March 26, 2025

Basrah Gas Company

In November 2013, UBIQUE SOLUTIONS was awarded, as part of a competitive tender process, the BGC NV33961 ERW QA/QC Contract. This was finalised in July 2023 and a new BGC Project was awarded to Ubique [CW36927] which will last for 3 Years + 2 optional years.

BGC 532 Project

This contract was unique as it serves the Basra Gas Company. Ubique Solutions has continued to hold this contract, winning multiple re-tenders, until the present day whilst conducting ERW activities across several sectors in the south of Iraq.

Upon contract award, UBIQUE SOLUTIONS Teams mobilised in line with contractual timelines in order (three days) to meet the SOW requirements.

UBIQUE SOLUTIONS day-to-day tasks primarily include the conduct of remotely located ERW QA/QC tasks and reporting inline with NMAS, IMA and client requirements. All team members were qualified prior to deployment and received refresher ongoing training to meet the changing landscape.

The Team Structure is flexible in order to meet the needs for monitoring and reporting as required operationally. Maning for teams is predominantly through local engagement with additional experts deployed for the international community as required.

Ubique Solutions has been graded as “excellent’ through client-based assessments and the letter of reference can be seen at the relevant page on this website.

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